Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Wednesday Whot's It

First - in my letter box today, a package from Andrea & Beanie Mouse at Found Art.

Second - a fine figure of a man.

Third - much wasting of rate payers money over the controversial 'Sky Bridge'.

As it was being erected. "March 19th 2009 Protect the Dunes? By putting what looks like a steel mono rail across them? What a joke!! There was supposed to be a boardwalk (oxford dictionary: 1.a wooden walkway across sands, marsh etc 2. a promenade along a beach) not this monstrosity. Seen at the end of Foreshore Vista in Yanchep. Some vista."

Views from road and boardwalk.

And now a survey to see what people want to do with this structure! Not this, that's for sure. It is illegel, dangerous & visualy a blot on the landscape.
I think what we wanted in the first place was something more like this on the Sunshine Coast.


Blue said...

I've given you an awards, do pop by & collect it.

Stephanie V said...

So what will they do with the survey? Spend more money to take down the bridge and put in a boardwalk? Sounds like local governments are the same all over the world...