Sunday, March 03, 2013

Shadow Shot Sunday 2

What with sciatica on the right side & a pain in my left hip I thought it time to buy a walking stick. $5 from Red Dot for a brown varnished one! Sanded it down (not very well), painted it white (again not very well!) - am a third of the way trying to make it 'artistic' with Sharpies.
More blogs with shadows here.


Sylvia K said...

Well, it makes for a great shadow shot, Angie, and I do relate to the aches and pains!! Isn't it fun to get old?????? Enjoy what's left of your weekend!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

That's an elegant walking stick. I imagine it has stories to tell...

Ruffling the Shadows

Gemma Wiseman said...

The walking stick casts a lovely sharp shadow! And love the colourful design on it!