Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another sunset, books & fire

Another sunset over Yanchep, taken on the way to book club. All of us have different opinions on ‘The Shadow of the Wind’. Once again a very good & stimulating evening!

This afternoon a fire caused quite a bit of concern. According to the news it is still burning this evening. Thank goodness the wind has dropped.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Full Moon Easter

Finished reading ‘The Clan of the Cave Bea’r by Jean M Auel a couple of days ago. I must be one of ‘the others’ as my eyes became wet at the end. Am looking forward to the next volume ‘The Valley of the Horses’.

Then I read ‘The Notebook’ by Nicholas Sparks & finished it an hour ago. Very beautiful & heart rending love story. Sniff, sniff – glasses off , blow nose, not to be read without a tissue box handy (or a handkerchief that will have to be washed).

Now to the weather, warming up again, water temp 22º this morning, chilly wind. Full moon on Good Friday.

Busy last week getting ready for visitors, printing out canvas for the exhibition at blender & thinking about what to do for the Wanneroo Art Award.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Birthday wishes from all over – Chris & Brian in Spain, Sam, Shannen, Chris & Jade, Claire (good lunch!), Francene, Merle, Maxine, Pam, Catherine, Glennis (postcrossing) & this shell chime + 2 teabags from Relie & icitiwan (postcrossing) in Singapore – just amazing! Thanks everyone.

Weather fine, water is still warm, looks like it could be a good Easter.

Have just finished reading ‘The Shadow of the Wind’ by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, very interesting read to say the least, 521 pages of twists & turns!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sunset on the West Coast where the weather is so much cooler now.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


My collection of ‘stuff’ just gets bigger!!

Have just finished reading ‘True Believer’ by Nicholas Sparks, very enjoyable. Now reading 'Clan of the Cave Bear’ by Jean M Auel. Fascinating story of life in the Ice Age, all 587 pages! Off to meet Liz Byrski on the 28th March would like her to sign my ‘Remember Me’ Christmas present.

The weather: bit warm but bearable with cooler nights. Good swimming weather. Sea breeze just kicked in - nice.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Ibis in Yanchep

This Ibis (Straw-necked Ibis, Threskiornis spinicollis) hangs around all alone in Yanchep.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Sunday, March 02, 2008

200 + postcards

Almost filled one wall with recieved postcards from