Friday, July 11, 2008

Back from the Void #9

This arrived today, an envelope full of ATCs & stamps all by the hand of wackystuff. Go check out his website

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The power of electricty

Power cut yesterday (4pm - 7pm) due to someone digging in Yanchep & today the pole outside next door caught fire so power off from (10.30am - 4.20pm) !! Just in time to have a cuppa.
Finished reading 'East of Eden'. Phew!!!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Still life with candles.

Reading East of Eden – a very powerful book. The film only told the half of it.

Weather is a little on the cold side (0.7 to 2 deg at night) so am all rugged up, not a pretty site. It’s much warmer outside in the sun during the day, rain on the way.

Friday, July 04, 2008


There have been quite a few trees set alight in the neighborhood and last night it was my turn to dial ooo. Rather frightening seeing sparks fly past the front of the house! Next door there is one of these trees (sort of palm) right next to the fence, thank goodness the Volunteer Fire Rescue truck was not far away. I took the photo from the front room window.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New postcard

A mouth watering card from nordbaer (postcrossing).