Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Two for the collection

An envelope with four great stamps on, arrived today from Paul in the Netherlands, inside were two cards covered with stamps. Some people are so good to take the trouble to help my project. I still have a long way to go to get stamp cards from every country. So thank you Paul also Trishka from Estonia (don’t you just love the ‘bat’ stamp?).

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Recipe for an unusual cake: I added chopped ginger and next time will cut down on the sugar. From The Food Pharmacy cookbook by Jean Carper. I' ve also started making bread.

Books, History & Creepy thing

Have been busy and lazy for the last few weeks. Finished reading ‘The House of Storms’ by Ian MacLoud – very strange but compelling book to get through 457 pages. Now onto another Rosie Thomas, this one ‘Bad Girls, Good Women’ goes back to 1955 and is 826 pages (3inches thick!). That’s in between making more stamp postcards, tracing the Beck family back in time (5 books out from the library on family history and hours on the computer) and general stuff in and around the house. Found the many legged thing in the bathroom sink when I went to clean my teeth.