At the moment I’m reading ‘Relative Love’ by Amanda Brookfield, 534 pages (have read 179 pages). English family novel (I had to do a family tree!) enjoyable so far.
Jane Fonda ‘My Life So Far’ 579 pages not including preface, contents, filmography, acknowledgments, index, credits & permissions, about the author & about the type. I’m up to page 123. One chapter at a time, between novels for now.
Last week I finished ‘Flying Under Bridges’ by Sandi Toksvig, very strange little book, weird but witty.
Then there was ‘The Beach House’ by Jane Green, book club for May. The kind of book which doesn’t tax the brain, comfortable light reading.
I have now ordered from the library ‘Dark Places’ by Kate Grenville, the next book club choice.
Last but not least is ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum’ the June Book-It List Book Group. Go visit. I did have this book but it went on its way with book-crossing. Looking forward to reading it again
All this will keep me going for a while.