Been very busy playing Happy Families! No, I don't mean the card game, I mean lots of love & hugs xxooxx. Here is just one of the pages from the book given to me.
I can't find much yellow around today. Then I read this.
If you are going through a lot of change in your life you may find you can't tolerate the color yellow very well - this will usually pass. It just means that you are having trouble coping with all the changes at the moment and yellow vibrates too fast for you, making you feel stressed. Introduce green or a soft orange into your life for a while to balance and restore your energies. Many older people don't respond well to large amounts of yellow because it vibrates too fast for them.
So I went & got this
That should calm me down a bit & get me ready for the W/E!
Other people with yellow on their blog you can see here.
This 'POST CARD' book is on loan from a friend. Such a great little book full to the brim of wonderful illustrations of post cards. Inspiring!
Go here to see other MMYs
Yanchep (north of Perth), Western Australia, Australia
Welcome to my blog about day to day living on the coast of Western Australia. An eclectic mix of things that make life interesting.
Born Brighton, Sussex UK arrived Western Australia 1969 never turned back.