Last Tuesday in the month – April. Great company, great food & drink, all in all a very good evening.
An eclectic mix of things that make life interesting.
This is where I have been most of the day. Mainly looking at blogs, here are just are FEW of my favorites (some others are on the right)
Postcard of
Go see her blog http://www.your-sky-our-sky.blogspot.com/
LupusCrossing - Butterflies are crossing the world and all you have to do is to send a butterfly postcard (butterflies are the Lupus symbol) to the address below to express your support towards Lupus patients on this special day. The goal is to bring worldwide awareness to this problem while at the same time bring smiles to those affected by the disease. You can write on the postcard whatever you want, and you can ask questions about Lupus too.
All received postcards will reach the hands of Lupus patients. A photo of the postcards received will appear on their website. Moreover, the German Lupus Association plans to design a roll-up display out of these cards that will be shown throughout the 80 regional groups.
Ready to spark some smiles? Then grab a postcard with a butterfly and send it to:
Like to join Skywatch Friday? Just go to the Skywatch website and post your pictures.
It's easy and we'd like to see them.