Thursday, May 31, 2012


I've been out of action for a couple of days due to pulling a muscle in my back. On Sunday I planted tomatoes, dug over the ground to put potatoes in, lugged potting mix around - and was fine. On Tuesday morning I bent down in the shower to wash my toes - and ouch - a muscle or two pinged. I'm sure you know the feeling. Yesterday I could hardly get out of bed, so I tended to stay there! This morning it is a bit better. So gentle exercise, pity as I wanted to put potatoes in and it looks like some light rain could fall. Glad I have some good books to read.


fresheyes said...

That looks like a couple of weeks in bed.

Mo said...

That looks like a couple of weeks in bed.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh I do know what that feels like Angie. I have a fantastic physio that I could recommend, but it would mean you coming down to my neck of the woods, she is a miracle worker!