Friday, August 21, 2015

Skywatch Friday

Grey sky, rain this morning
rather wet out there - at least the plants are getting a good soak.
Here is a shot from the other day  -
a Hawk searching for anything that moves.
Superman, flying high.

For other Sky blogs click here.


Sylvia K said...

I do love your "flying high" photos for the day!! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Angie!! Enjoy!

NCSue said...

Pretty shots.
I hope to see you at this week's WWoT photo linky party:

Lea said...

I know the plants are glad to have rain. We've had a few days of light rain. May get more over the week-end.
Love the hawk photo!
Have a great week-end!

fredamans said...

Love the bird against the sky!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Loving the mix of grey and blue skies Angie, won't be long until there's not a drop!