Going through old photos I came across this. In 1984 I attended a silk workshop with Guntrud Witt and this was the last day when we hung all the silk in a quarry. Magic!
On another note congratulations must go to Sam & friends who ran the Chicago Marathon in rather warm conditions. As did 45000 others.
Wow. A stunning, creative way to display silk.
Blimey that was some undertaking Angie, a bit like journalling your huge body of art work, so worth it though, on both counts.
P.s. they have turned a lot of the Bookstores into luxury accommodation, looks amazing but still a work in progress.
Very cool!
Hope you'll join in at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/10/a-little-bit-squirrelly.html
Oh, I do agree with Gemma!! A stunning display it is indeed!! Thanks for sharing it with us, Angie!! I do hope you have a wonderful new week!! Enjoy!
Beautiful! Is that it's reflection at the bottom? It looks like it but no colors.
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