Summer is on the way & things are warming up so while I was at Bunnings I picked up some stakes & bamboo sticks, blind & curtain (pity I had to buy them but I couldn't find anything being thrown out!).

This morning I hammered the stakes in & then draped the net curtain (Op shop buy $3) over the stakes, this is just enough shade to keep the hot midday sun at bay. The bamboo I will use to hold the tomatoes up.

Yesterday a couple of friends took me on a 'garden tour'. Below is a view of one - just look at that lettuce!

Her 'plot' is like a mini allotment.

Now I just need a handy person who will hang the bead curtain in front of the back door (to keep sun & flies off) & also to hang the bamboo blind over the kitchen window & I should be all set to cope with the heat. Not that it's been hot YET in fact the weather is perfect & they forecast rain for Tuesday (best day for planting according to the moon!). Might sow seeds with a $1 'Easy Seeder' (bargain of the day!).